So we're back home and in that post-vacation haze of attempting to get back into normalcy. We had a fantastic trip. Packed full with activities and lots of time to love on my family. It's strange going home now and feeling more like a tourist than anything. It's bound to happen as time goes by and especially as we want to share the city and all it has to offer with bugga.
She loved loved loved being busy discovering new things and experiencing the joyousness that is Chicago. And she LOVED spending time with family. Especially her cousins. Could not get enough of them. Especially little C. Only, bless his heart, he wasn't nearly as interested.
I'll share oodles of photos in the days to come, but for now I leave you with this. Bugga and little C sitting together in the zoo buggy. One of the two is happier than happy to be there, the other is totally not jazzed about having to endure the other.