Felt compelled to give a couple golf claps tonight. It's been far too long. Maybe that's because I haven't really been struck by urge to offer up a golf clap. Or it could be that I have been such a sucktastic blogger. But I'm on the ball now. I'm with it. And I'm paying attention.
SOOO anyway. Golf Clap #1 goes to all those who participated in the Hope for Haiti benefit. It's not too too often I feel inspired and all warm and fuzzy inside about something that celebrities have done. Because, let's face it Hollywood's uber rich and famous, while they may individually showcase their big hearts in giving and service, don't often come together with such united purpose and use said celebrity for big and wonderful things. But they did last night. Boy, did they. I dig true and sincere humanitarianism. It gives me goosebumps. It reminds me that cynicism isn't as commonplace as it seems. It shows the hope of the human spirit. The beauty of God's greatest gifts to us. So yeah. Golf clap, Hollywood. Golf clap.
Speaking of cynicism...I was really moved by what Conan O'Brien had to say at the close of his Tonight Show. Coco has always been a bit of a goof. Ok, a lot of a goof. But beneath the totally goofy bits (like Celebrity Secrets or In The Year 2000) I've always sensed Conan was a kind goof. A good guy. And after all this hullabaloo and kerfuffle over the whole NBC Jay/Conan Tonight Show debacle recently, he's shown a fair bit of saltyness in his (seriously hilarious) bits aimed at NBC. But tonight...his last night. He went out with class. Delivered a fantastic show. And then in the last moments, he sat there and looked at us all and reflected on his career with NBC with sincere thanks and graciousness. And then he drove it home with, what I thought was a truly fantastic message.
He said, "To all the people watching, I can never ever thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life. All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.
Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Golf clap, Conan. Golf clap.