We find, among all the hub bub and whirlwind of this time of year, it can be easy to lose focus. Or rather, to focus on the things that aren't especially important. The getting, rather than the giving; the crossing off of to-do lists, rather than the pausing to enjoy moments; the scramble, rather than the peace. And so as part of our hopes of keeping our focus on what's most important to us, we decided to do a Jesse Tree this year.
I remember Jesse Tree ornaments on the tree, growing up and it was a special little something extra and a special reminder to us of what the holiday is all about, really. This year, when we went to get our tree we also had Bugga pick out a little bitty tree. A Charlie Brown jobby, just the right size for a special little storytelling Jesse Tree.
And amazingly, as if she was reading my mind, Jacque Larsen at The Lilypad released these fabulous Jesse Tree goodies:
And so we made little ornaments. They are too adorable!
And for a bit of extra reinforcement, I attached some thin chipboard backings (obviously with tons of thorough attention and care to detail)...
then we punched holes and threaded them with yarn and easy peasy we were all set!
Looking forward to adding a new ornament to our tree every night.