Q: What is your blog Everything Which Is Yes about anyway?
A: Everything. DUH. In all seriousness though, I didn't feel I had a blogging "niche" like so many people do. I'm a mommy, I'm a woman, I'm a advocate, I'm a military spouse. I like gardening and scrapbooking and eating chocolate. I have also long loved to write, but haven't really had an outlet for writing in many years. I figured I'd give myself an opportunity for expression and it didn't feel right to limit myself. So this blog is a bit of a hodge-podge mosaic of anything I feel like writing about at the time. Mostly these days it's about scrapping and butterflies and four-year olds. :)
Q: Why did you choose the title Everything Which Is Yes?
A: This is why.
Q: Who designed your banner?
A: My gorgeous blog was prettied in a most fantabulous way by insanely talented Becca at Graffiti Chicks. And she used gorgeous gorgeous products of the insanely talented Holly of Holly Designs.
Q: What are "DeltaSierra" and "Lux Aeterna" and why can't I access them without a password?
A: DeltaSierra and Lux Aeterna are two components of the triumverate o' blogs I write. Seeing as distance from those we care about is a byproduct of the military lifestyle, DeltaSierra began as a venue for keeping in touch with loved ones. It contains regular family updates with more intimate and personal information and photographs. In the interest of PERSEC and OPSEC (read: to protect personal information, Buggaboo, and military occupational related information) I prefer to keep these aspects of my blogging password protected. Lux Aeterna is also personal, but in a different way. It is a blog for growing in faith and I share it with those who wish to do the same; conversely I protect it from those who don't.
Q: Will you share the password to DeltaSierra and/or Lux Aeterna with me? Pretty please??
A: If you are someone I'd consider a loved one (family, a friend), I'd be very happy to share these blogs with you. In fact I would LOVE to share them with you. Feel free to email me: everythingwhichisyes AT gmail DOT com to express your interest.
Q: Who is Buggaboo?
A: Buggaboo is my daughter. Obviously Buggaboo is not her real name. That would be cruel. It is her primary nickname and what I will refer to her as on this blog. I talk about Buggaboo ad nauseam in DeltaSierra. I also share many Buggaboo photos there.
Q: What the heck is Vita Activa and Sapere Aude?
Q: What's the deal with the Latin?
A: I'm a nerd. And I like to sound smart.